Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rt. 66-3 The Perfect Gift

Did you ever sit in on a planning meeting? Moses listened closely as the LORD told him exactly how He was to be worshipped. For the most part, there were no surprises.  Abraham has understood burnt offering, as had his sons after him.

In Egypt the people had forgotten much of their heritage, so God instructed Moses personally on everything from doves to divorce. Sacrifice inside the tent would affect how someone would behave between the festivals and Sabbaths.

What are we to make of all the arcane laws and regulations? What do we care of burnt bread and the smell of carcasses being roasted on an open fire?

On the other hand there are practical ways to show that you are taking God seriously. These are more related to the 10 commandments. What good are worship sevices when you live like the world?

Who would have thought that the Creator of all things might just know how it all works? Step back and try to see things from the outside. Yes, God's ways are far better than anything we can imagine.

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