Sunday, January 21, 2018

Old age and what to do about it

And so, I am now officially old. Well, not "really" old, since the government keeps moving the full retirement age up. But, then, my wife tells me I can't be old, so table that thought.

I have previously discussed turning 2 billion, so it all depends on how you measure time. As I enter my 66th year, I must post more just in case my memory really is slipping. I have learned that hardly anything ever disappears from the blogosphere, so here's to all you historians out there!

There is no turning back, but we can all learn from history. But we must also remember that historians are human, and make mistakes in interpreting the records they find.

I choose to trust the historicity of the record found in the Bible. This includes the first 11 chapters of "prehistory" in Genesis.

That being said, in this, my 66th year plan to take a trip down Route 66, Bible edition. The first stop, tomorrow, will be an overview the first of 66 books in the Bible, the history of redemption in Genesis.

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