Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Route 66:25 Crying over Jerusalem

The historical record of the life and times of Jeremiah was not confined to the book holding his name. In fact, the book we call "Lamentations" was from the beginning published along with the "book" of Jeremiah.

In five acrostic poems, Jeremiah pours out his heart for his hometown--the place God had chosen since King David's time to call His own--the city of Jerusalem. As he and others had predicted and warned, the city of Jerusalem was destroyed, and Jeremiah was there while it was happening. This poetry is perhaps the best in the Old Testament, even including metered lines in a form that became known as the Lamentation form.

God had warned that this would happen as far back as his revealed will to the people in the Exodus. Disobedience has consequences, and the people of Judah had found out the hard way. The wrath of God--manifested in the armies of Babylon--served as a vivid illustration of the coming judgment of mankind in general.

However, there was hope in the future. The wrath of God would be poured out upon Jesus the Messiah about 450 years later. In this act of love, the Son of God would take the full punishment due to all his true people, wherever and whenever they may be. When the final days of mankind on this old earth come, the judgment poured out on it will be a magnification of the fall of Jerusalem to an unimaginable level. The only hope any of us have is to be covered by the sacrifice Jesus made.

Route 66:24 When Nobody Listens

Jeremiah had a problem, God wanted him to warn a nation that didn't want to hear him. Nevertheless, when he was told to preach, he obeyed God. Almost all the prophets in the land were telling the king and his court just what they wanted to hear. When Jeremiah pointed this out, he was ostracized and even imprisoned. But with his friend and secretary Baruch, he persisted.

His message was simple, but blunt: "It's too late for repentance, judgment is coming and will last for 70 years." He told the people to not resist the force of the Babylonian army, but rather to go obediently into exile for a multi-generational stay. When he was offered a safe place to stay by the occupying regime, his countrymen kidnapped him and brought him to Egypt.

There was hope in his message, though. God would always have His remnant among national Israel and Judah. This small percentage would be the foundation of a universal, worldwide assembly of those who believe God for Who He says He is. God will always work within the inner person of all those who truly believe Him. This truth was displayed in the New Covenant, which was an extension of the Old to those outside of the commonwealth of national Israel.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Route 66: 23 The Gospel according to Isaiah

The road to New Jerusalem seems to have been paved by the Adversary! I began with the intention of filling my 66th year with reflections on the Bible, one book at a time. With 52 weeks, that was to be less than two a week -- 11 every two months. Easy for me to say back then.

I have done well in reading the Bible, but commenting on it has been sporadic. I am reading in the minor prophets (the Twelve) and the book of the Revelation right now. Anyway, in the "chronicle" of the path, I have only made it through the History of the Old Testament. 

So, I will now do a whirlwind tour of half the Bible in three weeks! First off, Isaiah, the prophet of justice and mercy.

At this time of year, the judgment to come to Judah and Israel takes a back seat to the prophecies of Isaiah and his contemporary Micah. Together, they give a view of the Messiah from a viewpoint far in advance of the events that unfolded sometime between 6 and 1 BC. According to these prophets, speaking about 600 years before Christ, the Messiah would be born of a virgin in the town of Bethlehem and move for a time to Egypt before ministering to his people.

However, the coming of the Messiah was not to be a conquering savior, but rather one who interacted with regular folk in a special way. However, he would speak prophetically to them, causing many, or most, of his people to reject Him. This was not a new thing for the prophets. According to the record, and then looking to tradition, Isaiah suffered for his message, even to death under King Manassa. Notably, when the Ethiopian eunuch asked about Isaiah 53, he wondered if Isaiah was talking about himself.

The good news, though, is that Isaiah spoke about Jesus, the Messiah, who would come to suffer and die to save sinners from their sin. In context, that meant living as a suffering servant among a people who would kill him. Better news, though, is that Jesus would rise up from the grave to return at a later time in judgment-- the main theme of all the others.  It would become clearer among the writers of the first century AD that the Messiah had two comings: as Saviour and as Judge. 

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Route 66:22 Trial and Triumph

While touring the ancient plain of Shinar, we might as well visit the foremost prophet of the time.

Before the future queen Esther was born, a young man named Daniel was already in the court of a previous king, the great Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. The king had thought himself to be supreme, only to be first praised and then warned of his folly. He came around only after being humbled by God.

Unlike his grandfather, Belshazzar never came to his senses. His only recorded meeting with Daniel was right before Persian forces took the city. Before he had been killed, the king had promoted Daniel, who soon was to serve under Persian kings.

As pagan kings looked on, Daniel and his friends stood for God in spite of the rules laid down by the king. Neither fire nor hungry lions could prevail against them.

Their message was clear, God is in control. Dreams and visions made it clear that God knows the future and will not let anyone get in his way to stop His plan.

The lesson we can take away from the recorded history of God's people is that He will honor those who honor him. All others survive due to his good will.

Monday, December 03, 2018

Route 66:21 For Such a Time as This

Babylon had started things, but God had punished that empire by sending their neighbors in. Persia spread from Greece to India and was ruled by a strict law: the king's word could not be broken--not even by the king!

A young Jewish girl, Hadassah (Myrtle), followed her uncle's instructions to become Queen Esther (Star) only to find her people threatened with destruction. 

Without naming God, the story teller showed that the holiday Purim was His work behind the scenes. It was a lesson in politics and faith, all rolled up on one.