Sunday, September 09, 2007

D. James Kennedy - Warrior in Christ's Army

“Now, I know that someday I am going to come to what some people will say is the end of this life. They will probably put me in a box and roll me right down here in front of the church, and some people will gather around, and a few people will cry. But I have told them not to do that because I don’t want them to cry. I want them to begin the service with the Doxology and end with the Hallelujah chorus, because I am not going to be there, and I am not going to be dead. I will be more alive than I have ever been in my life, and I will be looking down upon you poor people who are still in the land of dying and have not yet joined me in the land of the living. And I will be alive forevermore, in greater health and vitality and joy than ever, ever, I or anyone has known before.”

D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.

I cannot say much personally about the ministry of the PCA's most famous preacher. His ministries have had worldwide influence and many others are writing of this in blogs and websites this weekend. Dr. Kennedy had suffered a heart attack last December and just two weeks ago had retired from the church he had founded and pastored for almost five decades. I recommend, though, that my readers go to Coral Ridge Ministries website to read of this great servant of our great God.

I recently blogged concerning Dr. Kennedy (about the time of his heart attack, unknown to me) to defend his stance on activism. He had said we are to "take back America for Christ." A local reader of our newspaper was shocked at such a radical statement. The answer to "Who's afraid of Dr. Kennedy?" -- ungodly men and women who fear righteousness! He has passed on, but his legacy remains at Coral Ridge PCA, Evangelism Explosion International, and Knox Theological Seminary, to name a few!

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