Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Borg revisited

This evening I was meeting with a couple of guys - science fiction "writers" who were the only ones to show at our monthly Writer's Guild here in Greenville. Anyone interested in -- or, better yet, currently writing stuff -- come on out to our next meeting at Barnes & Noble on Haywood Road at 7:00 the fourth Tuesday of July.

Anyway, we were being bombarded with Borg jokes and such by the youngest of the threesome. We rolled our eyes as older more experienced "wordsmiths," but the humor was appreciated. The phrase "resistance is futile" sort of morphed into "persistence is fertile." The latter phrase is a good thought in both the world of writing and in the Christian life. Many a wall is papered with rejection slips before the first article is printed in a major publication. This writer has avoided that disappointed only by NOT seeking publication (apart from self-publishing).

In the Christian life, "persistence is fertile" is even more appropriate. Patience is a virtue so very often neglected in our everyday life. But we need to "Ask, Seek, and Knock" continuously, knowing that the answer will come in His will and in His time. One day we will be ONE with Him even as He is One with His Father. That, my friend, is an ASSIMILATION to look forward to.

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