Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pastors and Pews by Mike Huckabee

Some may wonder why we Christian Conservatives are so divided over the choices for the Republican nomination. I sure do. How can such good men as Bob Jones, III, and Pat Robinson make such endorsements as they have done? And why is James Dobson reluctant to make HIS voice known in a personal endorsement? We know who he WON'T endorse already!

Anyway, it is clear to THIS Christian Conservative who should be our standard bearer. I, for one, AM voting for a pastor, not just a president! I like Mike! And so, here is a much longer video (over 40 minutes) which gives a very real feel for just who this man is:

Please feel free to spread this message. We need a true conservative Christian to lead this nation back to God.


Bruce E. Gordon said...

Thank you for those words about Gov. Huckabee. Although we don't agree with all of his positions from a conservative position, we do believe that Gov. Huckabee is a godly man who will seek God's guidance in his decision making.

Pat Robertson's endorsement of Giuliani is baffling, and Dr. Dobson's refusal to endorse anyone yet smells a lot like a person looking to make a deal. Very strange!

Let's just pray that God would take control of the process and select the leader that fits with His will.

Jude & Publius

Henry Martin said...

My Pastor, Rick Phillips, is preaching through Micah presently. He stated this evening: "If God has not changed, and we know He has not, then America is due the judgment that befell ancient Israel and Judah."

It behooves us to pray for MERCY, and to personally and corporately REPENT. If we are due the judgment, then the will of God will more than likely bring a further slide toward Gomorrah in the election of liberal leadership. I for one, will vote for a "preacher" rather than a "president," for we need a pulpit, not a podium!

To God be the glory!