Monday, July 23, 2018

Route 66-13 A Tale of 2 Kingdoms

The united kingdom had a good run. Or maybe not. The best days in human terms were peaceful but ran headlong into a hedonistic orgy on the verge of destruction. David had a hard time, especially after his adultery, but Solomon had it "easy" by just going with the flow. Thousands of women, but only one heir to the throne! A poor choice in heirs, with no apparent rivals in the royal family, leads to a foreordained civil war.

God had set it up, Jereboam came back and Reheboam proved himself to be a tyrant. But Jereboam was an apostate, so not much, If any, good came about from his agreement with God.

From that rough beginning, the two kingdoms went their separate ways. Not one godly king in the north, and only half in the north, led to exile and the end of independence for the nations.

Prophets came along to point the way back to God, but few saw the way. The moral of the story is this, the people of God are nothing without God.

It's a good thing He did not leave it up to us.

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