Okay, folks, this is just two strange. The governor of Hawaii has sealed the original CLB, and the district court has told a life-long democrat, but seeker of the truth, that he has no right to ask for the truth. It's going to the Supreme Court. The constitutional crisis will be huge IF Obama wins and the CLB proves suspicions to be true.
Below is the "copy" of the certificate of live birth and an example what the original certificates looked like back in 1963. I added comments below the two.

Clicking on the image will bring my original uploaded bitmap to show detail. I purposely uploaded a bitmap version because of the lack of distortion in the details. The original certificates had way more information, typed not computer printed. Was the photocopier not working in Hawaii? Any "delicate" information could have been as easily blocked out as the example on the left was. But the democratic governor of Hawaii seals the thing. We wonder if the Supreme Court will be able to see the original!
Look at the place where the copy indicates race of the father: AFRICAN
That was his nationality which on the original is box 11. The race of the father was in box 9. In 1963 that space would most likely have been "negro" or maybe "Afro-American." The "copy" is no more than a politically correct information sheet. It has an official seal, showing that it is officially what the authorities are willing to release. But the terms have changed, as the following article indicates
From the website
"Previously acceptable terms that are now viewed as archaic (and, outside of historical contexts, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People or the United Negro College Fund) include Negro and Colored; today, the most common term is African American, with Black also commonly accepted since the late 1960s; the term Afro-American was first prominently used in 1961 by a group of activists including Maya Angelou and Leroi Jones (later known as Amiri Baraka)[4] and became common from the late 1960s into the 1980s; it remains generally acceptable, but less common, and has lately been developing a "period" connotation. Blacks are also included in the broader term "people of color". // Negro means black in Spanish and Portuguese (Latin: niger = black). It is an ethnic term applied to people of African origin; The term Negro is now largely seen as archaic and sometimes almost as offensive as the slur nigger. ... Colored and Colored People (or Colored Folk in the plural sense) are North American terms that were commonly used to describe Black people, but also included Asian (brown)/(yellow), Chicano (bronze or brown), and Native American (red). ... Maya Angelou (born Marguerite Johnson April 4, 1928[1]) is an American poet, memoirist, actress and an important figure in the American Civil Rights Movement. ... we all suck dick poetry. ... Colored and person of color (or people of color in the plural sense) are terms that were commonly used to describe people who do not have white skin or a Caucasian appearance. ...
The history of the use of these terms is evident in the names of various African American organizations founded over time. The civil rights organization the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), founded 1909, is significantly older than the philanthropic organization the United Negro College Fund, founded in 1944. The term colored had come to be seen as politically incorrect by the time of the UNCF's founding. Nonetheless, both Negro and colored remained common until the late 1960s, especially in the Southern United States. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP, generally pronounced as EN Double AY SEE PEE) is one of the oldest and most influential civil rights organizations in the United States. ... United Negro College Fund logo The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) is a Fairfax, Virginia-based American philanthropic organization that fundraises college tuition money for African- American students and general scholarship funds for 39 historically black colleges and universities. ... Historic Southern United States. ...
As the Civil Rights Movement evolved in the 1960s into the Black Power/Black Pride movement, these older terms lost favor and became associated with the pre-civil-rights situation of Blacks in America. Through this movement, the terms Black and Afro-American both emerged into common usage in the late 1960s. Due to this legacy, by 1980, the term Black had become accepted by a majority of Americans of African descent, and had also became the referential term applied by White Americans in general. Martin Luther King is perhaps most famous for his I Have a Dream speech, given in front of the Lincoln Memorial during the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom This article is about the civil rights movement following the Brown v. ... Black Power is a slogan which describes the aspiration of many Africans (whether they be in Africa or abroad) to national self-determination. ... Black pride is a slogan used interchangeably to depict both the movement of and concept within politically active black communities, especially African Americans in the United States. ...
In the late 1980s, Blacks began to abandon the term Afro-American, adopting the autonym African American instead."
One's "race" out of Africa could be "black," "Arab," "white," or whatever. The official who "copied" the information onto the "official copy" was making things as "clear as mud"!
The truth is out there. But will it ever come out?